Performances EN

On Performance
Art has the privilege of a certain freedom towards political issues; so-called “non-political” art can be abused the easiest and is therefore sometimes much more dangerous to human comfort than so-called “political“ art.
All art is political. The only problem lies with our confusion of politics with power.
We all perform our roles within our lives, the role of the performance artist is to investigate, reflect and react to them.
Performance art is a „spontaneous ritual“.
Keike Twisselmann, Belfast 1996 and Berlin 2012

1989 Belfast; “Please keep the door shut, as they tend to come in and slaughter us” (video production 1995) …sectarian killings…
1991 Barcelona; “Fire, Water, Oil” …the war at the Persian Gulf…
1992 Belfast; “a public execution” …the legend of claiming land…
1992 Belfast; “the brain” …thought extraction…
1994 Belfast; “the sleep of reason produces war” …peacefires and ceasetalks…
1994 Belfast; “at FIX” …a democratic performance/installation…
1995 Belfast; “the tower” …poetical journey through light and darkness…
1996 Belfast; “civic casualties” …the moral of demoralisation…
1996 Belfast; “no access to unauthorised personnel” …areas of limited access in time and space/ quantumphysical word processing (performance/installation)
1996 Belfast; “PeaceFires and CeaseTalks” …the enemy will stop at nothing to subvert our way of life…
1996 Belfast; “performania” …the absolutely senseless performance…seen it, done it, been there…an anti-performance for the “elite”…
1996 Québec; “Sectarian Cafe” …feeding on bigotry from an ethnically cleansed kitchen…
1996 Werkleitz; “non-site specific” …collaborative piece by Urban Canvas…cityscapes…
1997 Belfast; “chicken feet” …can a chicken save the hope for peace in Northern Ireland?..
1997 Belfast; “building site” …noise performance…or: the proletarian triumphs over health and safety…
1997 Belfast; “storm” …a club performance…
1997 Glasgow; “orange men marching routes” …a Belfast-Glasgow obstacle…
1998 Belfast; “Belfast 2000” …the “fuck n´ fun” generation…
1998 Dublin; “Bloomsday” …collaborative automatic poetry and fishing for words… (homage to James Joyce)
1998 Belfast; “carrots and one red herring” …selection and capture in the sewers…
2000 Crumlin; “Zen slaughter” …performance, drawing, installation in the Crumlin abattoir…
2002 San Lorenzo; “Borderlines” stage I: between sea and land …on the threshold…being in becoming – becoming in being
2002 Kassel (Kulturbahnhof, Documenta); “Borderlines” stage II: train station …between two doors…being in becoming – becoming in being (Threshold Series II)
2012 Belfast; “Black Market workshop”, a collaborative performance on Callaghan’s buttered violin
2012 Belfast; “Hidden Agenda – HOME”, weighing the invisible…secret deals…
2013 Berlin; “Doch nicht mit dem guten Geschirr!” – “Don’t do this with our good china!” …reflecting on German history, intuitive propaganda and sweeping the smashed remains under the carpet…
2013 Berlin; “Abendessen” …a formal private evening dinner on the pavement with 13 well-dressed invited guests…
2014 Berlin; „invisible traces“…unsichtbare Behinderungen…eine unfreiwillige inter-aktive Performance…
2014 Derry; „the big bang experiment“…playful expansion…
2015 Cologne; “der Schrein der Erinnerungen” …or Pandora’s Box…
2016 Belfast; group sound performance, the sonic centre
2016 Belfast; Cumulator 7-7-7, Beach
2016 Portlaoise; “fading song” ….performance monthly collaboration with Sandra Corrigan Breathnach
2016 Madrid – Acción!MAD; Threshold Series III …borderlines stage III….passing through….the large Iron Wall
2016 Venice; “Threshold Series IV” … earthly remains….passing through…the death sheet…taking birth…
2017 Berlin; “Threshold Series V” .. into the underworld…giving birth…
2017 Belfast, Threshold Series VI,, Lichtmaschine / Flying stop motion
2018 Belfast; International Conference, Custom House Square
2019 Manorhamilton/ Ireland – Leitrim Sculpture Centre; Threshold Series VII, meeting of waters & Shelter
2020 Berlin; Experi – Mental – House I, II, III, IV
2020 Digital Space, Bbeyond artists group, Remote group performances
2021 Digital Space/Grace Exhibition Space, New York, live online group performance with Bbeyond artists group, 18 March 2021
2021 Digital Space, Nurture, in the frame of UK-China reconnect cultural projects, 6 August 2021
2021 Digital Space, time machine, in the frame of transitstation voices – world-wide online performance art festival on sound/voices
time machine
Keike Twisselmann, 29.07.2021
“No matter how we are calling into the void, the void always projects back on us.”
At a time at which our future is predicted by our own past actions towards each other and our part in nature, we have created an irrevocable process of no return, no matter how much we call out for change. This performance moves sideways through time and space in shifting sound and slides.
2021 Nippes, Galerie Koppelmann, Corona Feeling
2022 Berlin, Bbeyond Berlin, Tempelhof, meeting with Hector Canonge, January 2022
2022 Dublin, IMMA Earth Rising, Bbeyond group performance, 22 October 2022
2022, Highlands Gallery, December 2022